Southwest Microgreens

Microgreens, a type of functional superfood, may boost health and prevent disease. While there's no solid evidence they treat specific diseases, but studies suggest they have 4-40% more micronutrients than their mature counterparts. Eating plant-based foods, including microgreens, is associated with lower risks of various health issues and has many other benefits.

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Broccoli is an antioxidant-rich green with a mild, pleasant flavor.  Broccoli microgreens sulforaphane is even higher and more potent than sprouts or mature broccoli. The nutrition in broccoli microgreens is tremendous and includes Vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, macro-elements calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous, and micro-elements iron, copper, and zinc. Broccoli microgreens benefits include reversing chronic illnesses such as heart disease and type II diabetes.

Dun Peas

Pea microgreens taste like fresh pea pods. With seven times the vitamin C of blueberries and eight times the folic acid of bean sprouts, pea shoot microgreens are a favorite not only for their fresh taste, but for their high nutritional content. Nutrients include 17% protein. A good source of beta carotene, high in vitamin C and folate, chlorophyll, flavonoids and polyphenols, specifically lignans and coumetarols, which are being studied for their anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory activities.

Radish Greens

Radish microgreens are substantial and crunchy. A great choice to add color and flavor to many dishes, especially those that include grains such as pizza, sushi, sandwiches, and rice bowls. Radish microgreens can be considered one of the most nutritious microgreens as they are the most nutrient-packed microgreens. Radish microgreens’ nutrition facts include vitamins A, B, C, E, K, and 30% Protein. They also deliver calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc to the human body.


These microgreens are crunchy with a mild, pleasant nutty flavor. They are equally good with sweet and savory foods. They make an excellent snack and are a favorite of children. Sunflower microgreens provide much of your body’s daily dietary requirements and essential nutrients. These tiny greens are a good source of vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6 as well as folate. They pack in plenty of iron and protein. They contain healthy fats like omega-3s and omega-6s for brain health. They are a complete source of amino acids as well.